Thursday, November 02, 2006

Just made it

I rode in to work today just as the rain was arriving... I could see the gray line slowly approaching as I travelled North Main St. But now I'm here and hopefully it'll stop raining by the time I leave.

There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear. I think jeans count as bad gear... that's why I'm lucky today.

As I walked into the office, one of my co-workers saw me with my bike and said "You're brave today!" My response was something along the lines of "Yeah, well, we'll see what happens later... hopefully it won't rain all day..." I'm so clever and erudite early in the morning. Upon further reflection, I think I'm brave every day I ride my bike to work. So there was a little sprinkle of rain today. Whatever. It's water. Otherwise it was a really easy ride. Traffic was light, nobody cut me off or honked at me, I made all the traffic lights. But most days are not like this. I would estimate that people in cars do stupid things near me on about 90% of my trips. Bravery is not riding quickly to dodge an approaching rain storm. Bravery is getting back on the bike every single day, knowing that there's a strong chance that I'll have to use my skills to compensate for the ignorance, obliviousness, stupidity, or even downright negligence of my car-bound fellow commuters. And who knew being brave could be so much fun?!

I do not believe that we, as cyclists, will ever win the battle to convince automobilists that we have a place on the roads. There's just too many of them, they're just too fat, and the car centered world view is just too deeply ingrained in their collective psyches. But we have to keep trying...

But seriously, I hope it stops raining by 3...

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