Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Tired...

I woke up from an anxiety-induced dream at 5 this morning. As often happens under this circumstance, I was wide awake. I briefly considered getting up and exercising, but since it was 5 a.m. I put myself back to bed. When the alarm went off an hour later I had a difficult time getting up. In fact, it took me a solid half hour to get to the point where I felt like I was truly awake. I forced myself to go through my exercise regimen but it felt bad. From this experience (and numerous others like it) I believe that sleep cycles are real and have a huge impact on how I feel. Despite getting around 8 hours of sleep last night I still feel fatigued. I can get more sleep but it's for naught and I feel like crap if I wake in the wrong part of a sleep cycle. Alternately, I can get very little sleep but if I wake up on my own, at the appropriate end of a cycle, I feel good.

So... the next time I wake up at a ridiculous hour of the morning, maybe I'll just get up and start my day. Let's see what happens. If I was awake at 5 I would even have time for a quick road ride before work. How fun would that be? Ripping around town on my bike while idiots drive to work, fat and zombie-like... Anyway, we'll see how things work out. My schedule over the next few days will keep me up later than I'd prefer so this may or may not come to anything for awhile. Getting rid of Luther will require efficient use of my time and the early morning might provide opportunities.

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