Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lazy Days

Today is Veteran's Day but shouldn't it be Veterans' Day?  I mean, there were (and are) a whole bunch of vets and we should be thankful for all of 'em, not just one.

As an employee of the State of Rhode Island (at least for now...) I have the day off.  I have been catching up on chores and trying to shake off the final, lingering effects of the Great International Beer Festival.  I am also trying to motivate to go mountain biking but thus far I haven't been able to get out of the house.  I should go.  The days are short now so there's no time to ride outside after work.  A day off is a gift, an opportunity to actually participate in cycling as nature intended instead of inside on a trainer.  But it's cold.  The leaves are down so the trails are super slick.  I think I might be getting sick.  Waaaaaaaaaa.

Get it together, man!  I rode in Groton a week ago and had a grand old time despite getting my first flat of the season. I think that might be a record.  I don't remember the last time I got a flat tire.  That's neither here nor there.  Point is, I went for a ride and it was fun.  Today can also be fun if I could only get off the couch.  Bah.

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