And then, suddenly, it'll be summer. Or at least it seems that way. We're like frogs in the boiling water parable. You know, the one where some cruel scientist (or witch) puts frogs in a pot of water, then heats it to boiling. Since the temperature rises gradually, the change doesn't register until it's too late. Here in the PVD it's not nearly as cold as it was a month ago, or two months ago, but the warmup has been too gradual for me to notice. At least until the uphill ride home, when I find myself well overdressed even with my jacket crammed into my bag.
Last weekend I left the house for a 40 mile ride in mid-forty degree temperatures. When I was on my way home I got dusted by a guy wearing merely shorts and a jersey. Until that very moment, I didn't feel overdressed, but after that happened I couldn't stop sweating.
And it's definitely early season. I've ridden my mountain bike twice, once at Burlingame and once at Lincoln Woods. Both rides felt good, although my knee is twingy after the experience. Lincoln Woods still scares me. I rode a new trail with lots of exposure and at least one drop. I made everything but I rode around the drop and I chickened out on the exit (steep and REALLY exposed). All of it should be doable, but I am certainly lacking in confidence there. I think it is left over from my crash two years ago... Must... Visualize... Success! And practice. I'll throw a few smaller drops, ones I know I can do, and then it should be on from there.
In advocacy news, the Providence Bicycle Coalition is working for legislation to define "vulnerable road users." Check it out here. Thanks to various budgetary problems, the State of Rhode Island is Fucked with a Capital F so maybe this small change to the motor vehicle code will slide through and there will be real consequences for Rhody Drivers who hit cyclists.
Also, rumor has it the Washington Bridge crossing will open again soon...
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