Wednesday, January 24, 2007


When I ride to work, I keep my bike inside my cubicle. This means that upon arrival, I need to dismount and walk through three doors. I'm always amused by other people's reactions when I get to the door at the same time they do. More often than not, folks will try to open and/or hold the door for me. This is very thoughtful of them and it probably looks like I'm burdened by the need to wheel my bicycle somewhere it really isn't supposed to go. The funny thing, however, is that when somebody else opens the door for me, they're really just in the way. I've got a good technique for getting myself and my bike through doors quickly and without banging into anything. Add another person, even a kind, courteous one, and everything gets out of whack and I end up crashing into the door or the doorframe. This makes me laugh. So, thank you friendly co-workers, but I've got the door. Don't worry about it.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Irony... no, coincidence... no, wait

Almost got hit by a hearse on the ride to work today...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Sickness...

The holidays have come and gone and I managed to make it all the way until January 3 before I got sick. Fantastic. I suppose it should not surprise me, considering the vast quantity of booze I consumed this past weekend, the few hours of sleep, and the contact with random people on my trip to New Hampshire. It turns my stomach (actually, makes my throat hurt...) to think of all the dirty children who used the same ping pong tables I used at the Nordic Inn.

At any rate, the new year is here! The new Congress has been sworn in. The United Nations has a new Secretary General. Rhode Island has the same old governor, but just about everybody else in charge is new. Exciting times, no? I hope that all this "new energy" will actually result in some positives, like maybe some meaningful policies to deal with climate change. You know, just to pick a tiny example. I'd be happy with real, actual bike lanes in Providence, but we've got to start somewhere. May as well be climate change...

In bike related news... I bought a full face helmet for myself. Merry Christmas, me! I've been thinking about this for some time, considering that I've hit my face on the ground the last two times I've crashed my mountain bike. I've just been lucky to touch down in soft dirt instead of pointy rocks. I chose a Bell Bellistic after spending about 45 minutes in Mystic Cycle Centre trying on different helmets. Giro? Nice, but didn't fit quite right and a little too dh/moto for me. 661? Didn't fit at all. Specialized? Ooooh, nice, seemed like the closest to an actual bike helmet, and comfortable, but the retention system was poorly done. I tried the Deviant model which has an adjustable retention system in the back, sort of like every other bike helmet nowdays. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work. The parts are crappy and the ratchet mechanism doesn't hold. Poor execution for a $100 helmet. So, after plenty of hemming and hawing, I chose the Bell. It fits well and is comfortable, although I think it'll end up being too hot for the summertime. We'll see, I suppose. There's plenty of riding to be done between now and then...