Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Man is Holding Me Down

I've been having a shitty couple of days for a variety of reasons I don't want to go into right now. So, in response, I rode my bike over to a friends house to talk about stuff. Upon my return, I put my bike in its usual place at the bottom of the stairs, walked up to my apartment, and walked to kitchen. It should be noted that my bike has been in the stairwell the entire time I've lived here. Within moments of my return home, my landlord (who lives on the floor below me) called me up and said that it is no longer acceptable to have my bike in the stairs. Messing up the paint, apparently. I find this humorous because while the stairwell has just been painted, IT WAS A SHITTY JOB! "I want to keep the front stairs, you know, nice," he says. Whatever. Nothing about this house is nice, least of all the paint in the stairways. I'm not a painter, but I've done lots of painting and I know what a good job looks like. This ain't it. And now, in the defense of this horrible paintjob, the White Boot of Oppression is making it that little bit harder to subvert the autocentric paradigm! Fuckers!