Friday, January 23, 2009

Snow, Real Snow!

We've had our first real snow of the winter.  On Monday past I had the day off because it was MLK day so I decided to go snowshoeing to take advantage of conditions.  I haven't been on snowshoes in years so I figured it'd be a good adventure.  I picked Lincoln Woods as the locale because it's close and I thought it'd be fun to view the trails from a different perspective.  Suffice it to say it's easy to get disoriented when walking up sections I normally ride down.  And then there's the snow...
Anyway, I got first tracks on almost everything I walked.  It's funny to think about it this way, like skiing.  First tracks while snowshoeing sucks, requiring much more energy.  It was beautiful nonetheless...
And so, here are a few more pics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how beautiful!
i remember snowshoeing!